Health Services Research article titled "Medicare expenditures attributable to dementia" by PEDAL lab researchers was cited in the October 21, 2019 The UpShot article by Austin Frakt.
Norma B. Coe, PhD, published a study in the Journal of Pension Economics & Finance examining who switches to value-based insurance among state employees in WA, where the insurance explicitly decreases premiums without changing out-of-pocket costs. Among other findings, the authors find that the peak age for switching insurance plans is 35–45.
In the United States, people who need long-term care (LTC) face a system with large gaps in coverage, and they rely on friends and family to fill these gaps. Medicaid finances the majority of paid LTC, but people must exhaust their resources to qualify. Medicare and private health insurance do not cover LTC, and the private market for long-term care insurance is small and shrinking. Unpaid family and friends provide most long-term services, but the value of their services is rarely reflected in debates about LTC financing and delivery. Beyond the value of the services, this system has costs
We are excited to introduce the new Policy and Economics of Aging, Disability, and Long Term Care (PEDAL) lab Twitter. Our handle is @lab_pedal. We look forward to sharing information on our mission to improve aging in America through social media.
Author: P Fishman, NB Coe, L White, S Park, B Ingraham, EB Larson
In this article, the authors conducted a systematic review of studies reporting the direct healthcare costs of treating older adults with diagnosed Alzheimer disease and related dementias (ADRD) within private Medicare managed care plans.