About PEDAL Lab
Our People

Norma B. Coe, Ph.D.
Professor of Medical Ethics & Health Policy
Norma B. Coe, PhD, is a Professor of Medical Ethics & Health Policy at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania (Penn). She is an economist whose research focuses on identifying causal effects of policies that directly and indirectly impact health, human behavior, health care access, and health care utilization. Within Penn, Norma is the Director of the Policy and Economics of Disability, Aging, and Long Term Care (PEDAL) lab, the Director of Research at the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics (LDI), Co-Director of the Get Experience in Aging Research-Undergraduate Program (GEAR-UP), and a Co-Director of the Population Aging Research Center (PARC). Outside of Penn, Dr. Coe is a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), and serves on several advisory and executive boards of research centers. In her research, Dr. Coe merges the rigor of economic thinking and empirical analysis with the practical health services skills of measurement and knowledge of the health policy context to answer pressing questions for policymakers and other stakeholders on how we can improve aging in America.