Gender of Study Partners and Research Participants Associated with Differences in Study Partner Ratings of Cognition and Activity Level

Studies of Alzheimer's disease typically include "study partners" (SPs) who report on participants' cognition and function. Prior studies show SP reports differ depending on the relationship between the SP and participant, that is, spouse or adult child. Adult children SPs are typically female. Could differing reports be due to gender? Knowing this may help explain variability in measurement.


Stites, S. D., Gurian, A., Coykendall, C., Largent, E. A., Harkins, K., Karlawish, J., & Coe, N. B. (2023). Gender of Study Partners and Research Participants Associated With Differences in Study Partner Ratings of Cognition and Activity Level. The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences78(8), 1318–1329.

Publication Name
The Journals of Gerontology. Series B. Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
Publication Type